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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:35 pm

write a testimonies

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty His name is Jesus, and he wants to be your best friend!

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:50 pm

His name is Jesus, and he wants to be your best friend!

I’m sure my father and mother were happy on that cold winter day,
February 11, 1944; the day God filled my lungs with fresh clean air, and I
became a living creature, and began to breathe for the first time. I can
only visualize my grandfather and grandmother proudly announcing that
another third generation Christian Scientist was now part of the family
clan (two uncles and four aunts), and would begin my journey following
in the path and the family tradition that was rooted in this
metaphysical world, as described by the founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker
Eddy (more about that later). I was the third son of my father’s blood
line; my younger brother would become the last of four sons and would
begin his life, three years later. My two other brothers were two and
four years older respectfully. From the hospital, I came home and
started my life living in a two bedroom house that was already being
renovated to accommodate a larger family.

World War II was intensifying, the atom bomb was being developed, the
depression was coming to an end, and the baby boom generation was just
one year away when I made my debut. I have no recollection and can only
imagine that first year, the challenges that my father and mother were
facing raising a four year old, two year old, and now a new born. There
must have been plenty to do to keep my mother busy, washing, cleaning,
cooking, and taking care of two toddlers and a baby. What I do remember
a few years later, and the tradition never stopped, we had three
complete meals a day and the evening course always included a meat, three
vegetables, bread and dessert; and nothing, and I mean nothing, on the
table would be left. If you wanted second’s, you had to eat and clean
your plate before your brother got the last helping of mash potatoes, or
the last piece of chicken! My mother was an unbelievable cook, and
could not only imitate a recipe after eating it only one time, but could
improve on it dramatically. While my mother spent every minute caring
for three infants, my father went to work every day before dawn, and
would return home after dark. The only family vehicle was a three wheeled
“Cushman” motor scooter. At the age of two, I remember riding in a
three foot square box that was mounted on the front of this vehicle. I
would be standing beside my two older brothers, the wind blowing my hair
and into my eyes, laughing with joy, while struggling to see where we
were going; looking, just over the top of the metal box.

In 1947, my father began his entrepreneurial career and started his own
plumbing and heating business in Memphis, Tennessee. At the age of
three, I remember with vivid memory my father coming home driving a brand
new shiny truck, and watching a man paint my father’s name and
telephone number on the door panel for his business. My mother came home from
the hospital, that same year, and had something they called my new baby
brother. As to my recollection, I had my own agenda, being very
independent, and was not particularly impressed of the new arrival. I also
remember after working all day, my father coming home and before going to
bed, would spend a little time on the shop and garage project under
construction in the back yard, and several room additions he was adding on
to our house. There’s nothing my father couldn’t build, fix or
accomplish, with his hands, probably due to the fact, he was the first born,
taken out of school in the eighth grade, to help raise his brothers and
sisters during the great depression. I guess you could say that my
father had to grow up very fast taking on that responsibility at the age of
fourteen. Can you imagine forfeiting your teenage years; missing out
on all the fun you’re supposed to have, raising younger brothers and

My early childhood memories include running to the street with a nickel
in my hand when I heard the ice cream and popsicle man ringing their
bell, playing with our dog (he was black and his name was pepper) before
I painted him blue to match Paul Bunion’s “Old Blue” (a blue bull) that
I saw and thought was neat in the story book, chasing our big white
duck around the back yard and laughing when she made funny quacking sounds
from her relentless moving yellow bill (her name was Polly); avoiding
at all cost that crazy mean old goat that wanted to butt me when I was
not looking (he didn’t have a name, he was just mean), and trying to
talk and carry on a conversation with our clipped wing, split tongue crow
who walked around the back yard and would sputter something that
sounded like “my name is smoky”. I was not a happy camper when my father
found out that I had poured five pounds of black pepper into the floor
furnace, and all the windows had to be opened during a snow storm! You
should have been there when my father looked at the handles on the wheel
barrel that had been cut off, modified, and shorten to fit my younger
brother’s arms because he could not push this contraption without a
shorter modification! It was amazing to see my older brother take a
running start off the top of the garage with an umbrella in hand, attempting
a soft landing that turn out to be a total disaster! That same brother
entertained us by performing many unsuccessful attempted stunts and
feats that to this day cannot be explained or duplicated! He had the
family car in a position that any stunt driver would be proud of, where two
wheels were on the ground, and the other two wheels were half way up on
the side of the same garage, where he attempted his earlier jump
flight! I suppose I got in the habit of waking up every morning before
daylight, so I wouldn’t miss out on all the excitement that I knew was
going to follow. Yes, there was excitement in the air every day; I never
knew what was going to happen; I just waited long enoug

h for my oldest brother to get up, and shortly there after the show
would begin You can only imagine there was never a dull moment with four
boys growing up around this family.

School began in the fall of 1950, and I remember the first day of
school; there must have been more than twenty five strangers in our class;
but soon I met a friend named Boots. You have to like someone with a
name like that, and we became close friends. I remember in 1951, my
father brought home a big new box, and when he opened it up, the funny thing
had a glass window, and when you turn it on, you could see people
talking inside the box. Sometimes you could see Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody,
the clown Clarabell, Roy Rogers, Trigger, Hopalong Cassidy, the Lone
Ranger mask man and his side kick, Tonto. I remember the day just
sitting, waiting, and watching that peacock on the screen with great
anticipation, when NBC aired the first episode of Superman. In 1952, we were
now moving up in society, and became a two car family with the addition
of a new car, a four door Plymouth. In 1956, I remember watching a
weird freak; that wore pink pants to school, and graduated with my first
cousins, being on the Ted Mac Show, and my cousins and I were sitting
around the floor laughing at him, his name was Elvis. In 1959, I was in
school class when it was announced that Buddy Holly had died in a plane

The year 1959 marked a major milestone in my life, (age 15). I
remember watching my two older brothers competing for the family car every
Friday and Saturday night, the light bulb came on, and I knew that in one
year, I also would have to compete and their was only two nights each
week end, and something had to change before I reached the age of 16.
Having entrepreneurial blood in my veins, I had saved enough money to
buy a 1950 black Ford sedan, ($200.00). Not being old enough to drive, I
let my older brother that was closest to me have access to my new car,
allowing my oldest brother to have exclusive access to the family car
every Friday and Saturday night. My brother and I were very close, and
we started an early morning paper route together; we would get up at
four o’clock every morning; he would drive me to my route, go and throw
his route, and come back when he finished his route. At sixteen I got my
driver license, and I continued to share my car with my brother. I met
and started to date my high school sweetheart, and best friend, in
1960, and we have enjoyed each other (most of the time) for more than forty
two years, (more about this later).

My fiancée and future wife graduated the year before me, and was
working full time as a file clerk, while I was finishing my senior year at
high school. I continued to work my paper route, and we both saved
almost all our income in preparation for our future. I gave my car to my
brother when he got married; and in 1963, my fiancée and I took enough
cash that we had saved together and bought a new Pontiac. This is the
year that I would face the most devastating time of my young life.
Shortly after my brother’s marriage, he became very ill. No one knew what
was wrong, but as we were taught in Christian Science; this error
(condition), as it was called, was only a false belief (a trial), was not
real, had no power, would disappear and be healed if one’s faith were
strong enough; just by knowing the truth (as taught by Mary Baker Eddy). I
had witness healing for almost eighteen years, and experienced healing
myself, and had no doubt that God was real, and would intervene if our
faith was strong enough. My brother’s condition got worse, and for the
first time in my life, a family member was hospitalized. This
situation had never come up before, in fact, a doctor’s care had never been
necessary for any family member, for pain, sickness, or injury, before
this incident. I’ll never forget receiving a telephone call from my uncle
that night, while working at the Sky View Drive End Theater, the
message was very clear; go home, something is wrong!

Although my uncle never told me what had happened during that telephone
call, I felt pain and agony in my heart. Immediately leaving the drive
end, I remember driving home, with tears rolling down my face, knowing
that I had lost my brother, my best friend, and not sure how to handle
my emotions. While growing up, we all experience heart aches,
disappointments, and failures, but when you are faced with the death of your
closest friend, a brother, a loved one, someone that is very close, at
such an early age, you know that something is very wrong. I believe one
of the hardest things that I have been faced with in life, was the
morning I went alone to my brother’s empty apartment, to get his personal
belongings, his socks and shoes, his shirts, his underwear; something
was wrong! It would be many years later before God would rescue me from
Christian Science and the deception of Satan. My mother was never the
same after my brother died, she never forgave herself for the death of
her second son, and I remember the pain, torment, agony, and guilt she
went through for another ten years, before she died at the age of


Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty Continue..

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:51 pm

My brother left behind one of the kindest, sweetest and precious
widow’s you’ll ever meet, and a new born baby that would never know his
daddy. My nephew had more love in his heart and never had an enemy during
his life. He was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at an early age, and
was not supposed to live beyond his teen age years. He knew, loved,
and served the Lord with all his heart; rarely if ever complained about
his condition, and was inspirational to many friends while on this
earth. He graduated from high school, and went on to college. I remember
receiving a telephone call from his mother; telling me that he had moved
on to be with the Lord, and I felt in my heart again, something was
wrong. I remember my sister in law sharing with me how independent my
nephew was; and how honored I am that she allowed her son to full fill a
dream of living alone, independently in his own apartment, before he
passed away. If we all could have the heart and attitude that my nephew
had, what a great world this would be! I know he is no longer suffering,
and is enjoying Heaven, and can’t wait to see him again, someday!

The year following my brother’s death, I graduated from high school,
and began working full time as a butcher in a grocery store. My fiancée
and I continued to work and save for another two years, and in June of
1964, we were married. Our plan proved successful, and our savings
paid off, we were able to buy and begin to make notes on a small three
bedroom home, enjoy the luxury of having two cars, able to purchase with
cash our new furniture, and still had some savings in the bank. Life
seemed so good, (I thought), I joined a golf country club, began to
play golf, spend some time with photography and spending time in the dark
room, developing black and white pictures.

In 1966, my son was born, and became a fourth generation Christian
Scientist. I felt something inside was tugging at me, but didn’t know what
it was. I felt something was missing in my life, so I began to isolate
myself from my family, trying to find happiness in something to
compensate for the hurt and pain inside. Selfishly, I spent every moment of
spare time playing golf, neglecting my wife and my son and their needs.
If it were not for God, and a very loving wife, my marriage would never
have lasted! These were some trying times, but the worse was just
beginning. Over the next few years, we continued to go to church, but the
Christian Science doctrine was becoming more cold and abstract. I
remember taking Richard Jr. to a Christian Science practitioner (someone
who was supposed to be able to heal), when he could hardly breathe. I
remember the look on the face of this woman; she was horrified when she
saw the condition of my son. Her faith was a far cry of what I thought
it should have been, and this was the first outward indication that
something was wrong with Christian Science.

The following day, we took our son to the doctor, and he was diagnosed
with asthma. He was given medication, and tests were run to determine
what he was allergic to. I knew that I was not practicing good
Christian Science doctrine, but wanted to do what was right for my son.
Something was still pulling at me on the inside. One day in 1969, while
working beside a co-worker at the grocery store, this individual shared
with me that he had started taking some computing programming courses.
Not knowing what was involved and what the opportunities were, I
inquired about this new field and became very interested.

After inquiring, I decided to start planning for a new career, and
enrolled with Electronic Computer Programming Institute. The curriculum
included three programming languages, as well as hands on experience
with all the equipment in a date processing environment. The training
would last about eighteen months, two nights a week. I was very committed
and spent extra time studying and preparing for my future. I completed
all my required assignments, and had an obsession to do more! I
thought this was the answer that would fill that void I was feeling. I’ll
never forget that Thursday night during class, the devastating news that
was announced. The director that was responsible to help graduates
find work informed the class that the market was saturated, and would be
impossible to find work. He said that more than six hundred graduates
were looking for work, and felt responsible to inform us of this

I could not believe what I was hearing, this must be a mistake. After
all, I had spent the last year and half preparing, going the extra
mile, and doing every thing I was supposed to and a little bit more, and
now this! I was not going to take this lying down, and decided to take
immediate action. The next day, Friday, I requested a day off from my
employer, and went down town, seeking employment in the computer
programming field. I remember talking to the lady in personnel department of
a savings and loan company, and she confirmed the bad news that I had
heard the night before; they were not taking any more applications at
that time. I told her that I understood, but only wanted to meet with the
programming manager a few minutes. This request was granted, and what
took place in the next few minutes had to be nothing more than divine

The programming manager told me again that there were no opportunities
at this time for employment, but he would give me an opportunity to
introduce myself. Somehow in a few moments, I shared with him how much it
would mean to me to have an opportunity to become a computer
programmer, and how hard I had prepared for this new career. I told him that the
night before, our class was informed regarding the saturation of
programmers in the market, but knew in my heart that if someone would give me
a chance, that I could make a positive contribution. Before I said
another word, I found myself sitting in front of the Vice President of
operations. Although it was not in the budget, they were going to give me
an opportunity to become a computer programmer.

Only God knows the feeling I felt in my heart, over coming
insurmountable odds against my impossible situation, and yet He granted and gave me
a way out, even though I really didn’t deserve it. I still was
neglecting my family responsibilities, selfishly seeking something that would
satisfy me. The focus was on me, not my wife or son. The only
explanation I can give why God was allowing me to be in favor, is that He
loves you no matter what, He knows your heart, and He will always make a
way that will lead you to Him. God knows that in time, everything has
its season, and God is very patient.

My new career was consuming me and taking all my time, and I found
myself working six, and sometimes seven days a week. Obviously, this was
not in the best interest for my wife and son. I knew my wife and son
loved me, but things were not right, and our marriage relationship was
suffering because of my ignorant and selfish attitude. I allowed it to
escalate to the point of possible separation, or maybe divorce. We had a
serious discussion, and wanted to try to change our relationship for
the better. Shortly thereafter, I accepted a better programming position
and we moved to Laurel, Md. in 1972. Accepting a new job, made it very
difficult to spend quality time with the family, and again, I found
myself again devoted to the wrong thing, my job and not my family. My
priorities were all out of order, and I had no foundation or reference to
know why. After all, my father worked all the time, my mother had the
responsibilities to raise the children, and I was just carrying on a
family tradition. I’m not making excuses for my behavior, but being
honest. It would be more than ten years later before God intervened and
changed my life.

My programming career came to an abrupt halt in 1981. For ten years, I
was blessed with substantial salary increases, and was earning more
that ten times as much as I was when I was a butcher at the grocery store.
I had become a vice president and Data Processing Manager of the
largest Savings and Loan in the country, a billion dollar corporation, and
had a large staff of programming personnel that included two programmers
that had advanced college degrees. The record showed that I had met
all budget requirements and company objectives ahead of schedule, year
after year. But, in 1981 a new personnel director, not knowing or caring
about my accomplishments, thought maybe I might be over valued and over
paid due to the fact, I didn’t have a college degree. He had someone
else in mind that had a college degree, and I was fired!

The hurt and humiliation was excruciating, and something was wrong
again. Something was pulling at me, trying to get my attention. I went
into depression, and was not sure what to do. Nothing was going right in
my life, and I felt as if I had been betrayed. Something had to give!

Being totally devastated, I made the decision to leave the computer
field, change direction and pursue something completely different. I
didn’t trust anyone, so I decided to go into business for myself. I
entered the insurance field with a large financial marketing company that
allows me to build my own company. My wife was perplexed to say the
least; actually she thought I had lost my mind! First a butcher, next a
computer nerd, and now an insurance agent? My wife reached down deep, and
somehow with God’s help, she made a decision that only true love,
dedication, and sacrifice could make. She supported me regardless of the
circumstances, and I will forever be grateful to her.


Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty continue

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:51 pm

My new career did not come easy; I struggled with personal growth
challenges that were necessary to be successful in the field of marketing.
God knew what I needed, and put me in a position where if I was going
to be successful, I would have to change, and begin to focus on others
instead of myself. This revelation was not being revealed at the time,
but God knew what I needed! He also knew I was going to be a
challenge, but God is patient, and He gave my wife a triple portion, she needed
all the help she could get!

I worked very hard to build an organization, and it was not easy. God
was allowing me to face difficulties that would eventually change my
life completely. During this time, God brought people into my life,
(people that I hired for my new company), that would witness to me and
share the gospel of Jesus Christ. This was His plan from the beginning.
Finally, God was reaching out to me, a lost soul that was heading for
eternal hell. God was making a way for me, to become part of His family.
After being witnessed to several times, my wife and I were invited to
Christian Movie Theater that was showing a movie on the end times. The
Holy Sprit convicted me, and I accepted Christ as my personal Savior. I
denounced Christian Science, and began worshiping at a local church.
For almost a year, we were faithful with our church attendance, but my
business was not being blessed. I still felt something was wrong. I
went through a bitter dispute with one of the leaders of the organization,
and decided to leave.

Again, I’m facing a brick wall. In retrospect, I know now what God
wanted me to do. He wanted me to depend on Him and Him alone. I didn’t
understand at the time, that God allows us to fail, experience pain,
agony, and disappointments, until we yield, and lean on Him for everything.
God allowed me with my stubborn nature to wander from one
disappointment to another, for another twelve years before He rescued me. He kept
my wife faithful, and she continued to pray for me and my soul.

I remember the day God tried to get my attention when He allowed my car
traveling at seventy miles per hour, to spin out of control and
perform a one eighty, and perfectly come to a safe stop during a hail storm.
The car was damaged, but not a scratch was on me. I know now, that God
sent His angels down to protect me. He wants my attention, but I was
still resisting. Then, He tried to get my attention by allowing the
following incident to occur. My boss was visiting one of his out of town
offices, and sent me to the airport to pick up a package that was in my
name. I went to the airport, picked the package up, and returned to
the office, only to find out that he had shipped illegal drugs across
state lines, and had me go a pick them up. I was livid, but this finally
got my attention. I left his organization, and found employment in the
financial and estate planning field.

God is so good, and will always make a way for you. I was headed for
an appointment with a potential client, and went early that day, because
I wasn’t sure where it was. Being more than two hours early, I drove
up to the address only to find an elderly lady sitting in the yard,
drinking a cup of coffee. We made eye contact, and we waved to each other.
I stop and introduced myself, and explained to her that I was not sure
where she lived, and knew that our appointment was later that morning.
She advised me that since I was already there, to come on in and have a
cup of coffee. She introduced herself and told me she was a widow and
that her husband had passed away several years earlier. While we were
visiting she began talking about the Lord. The only way I can describe
what happen over the next several hours, has to be Divine intervention.
Something came over me that made me totally receptive to everything she
was sharing with me. It was if I had no control of the situation, and
someone else was directing the conversation. She finally invited me to
a Friday night district church service that evening, and without
hesitation, I accepted. I believe the Holy Spirit took control of my life,
and was intervening on my behalf. The reason I believe this was the
Holy Spirit, is the fact that I had been running and avoiding God for more
than ten years. My wife would ask me to go with her to church for
years, and I would declined every time.

I went to church that Friday Night, and my life has not been the same
since. I rededicated my life to the lord, was baptized again, and now
living for the lord faithfully. I will testify that each day brings an
opportunity to grow stronger in your walk with God, and sometimes we
fail, and fall short. But God never fails us, and He will always make a
way out of a negative situation, no matter how bad it may seem, if we
submit and yield to His correction.

It never dawned on me that I was isolating myself, looking for pleasure
that would cover up the hurt that was on the inside of me. Something
was wrong, and I didn’t know what it was. It is only now, almost forty
years later, that I can reflect back, and see how hurt I must have
been; how lost I was; that was leading to my selfish and destructive ways.
I didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s what
was wrong! Today, I do have a personal relationship with Jesus, and I’m
sorry for many things that I have been guilty of, and thank God for
forgiving me of all my sins. Jesus has shown me the only way to over come
past transgressions, and has given me a new life to enjoy with my
loving spouse, who never gave up on me, and endured more than anyone should
have to. I will always be indebted, and thank God for allowing us to
become husband and wife.

I pray right now for the person that is reading this personal
testimony; if something feels wrong or if you know someone who is hurting, go
and share with them; that there is a Savior that can and will take their
pain and agony away, and give them joy in their heart. His name is
Jesus, and he wants to be your best friend! He will take what ever is
wrong, and make it right! Thank God for the men and women that were bold
enough to take the time and share with me the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Most of all, thank God for sending His Son that took the sins of the
world upon Himself, which include all my sins, and paid the price for me,
so I can enjoy eternal life forever! This is a free gift, and you can
do nothing to earn it, all you need to do is ask Jesus to come into
your heart, and turn away from your sins.

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty Jesus Loves You -- Murderer finds God's forgiveness and love

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:54 pm

Jesus Loves You -- Murderer finds God's forgiveness and love.

My name is David (Ty) Eugene Johnston, I am on death row here in Florida now going on 17 years.

May this letter find you healthy, and your friends too in joyful spirits.

I have no family, my family abandoned me when I was ten years of age. I suffered physical torture, abuse, psychological cruelty, inhuman mistreatment, and willful emotional neglect.

I truly have nobody. No one to help or care about me. Nobody to show me any love and affection I need. No friends, no person to write to. I do not receive any visitors, I absolutely just do not have anyone.

The only greatest love and affection and care and friend I honestly do have is God (Jesus) My Savior.

I would like to share with you all how I found God.

All my life I was abused. I was nearly killed several times as a child by my own mother and father- from their physical beatings. I was abused by my brothers and sisters. I never had emotional support, encouragement, guidance, love and all the rest that goes with being a child.

My father raped me as a young child. I was really sad and hurt and disappointed. I never received any gifts nor Christmas gifts from my family.

My life became filled with alcohol and drugs, as I was sleeping on the streets at a young age. Not caring about people's feelings. I was hurting.

I have never been given the actual chance in life. I have no education, because due to the severe beatings, they kept me out of school and secretly locked inside of the bedroom closet, with a lock on the door so I couldn't come out of the closet.

I was deprived of food, clothes and medical treatment.

The little education I do have is by my self learning's and teachings.

I have tried to kill myself, only to awaken in the ICU and recover.

I trusted easily and they took whatever innocence that I had.

I let people abuse me, it was the only way I knew. I became even more confused, lonely and heartsick. I have tried to end my life several times here on death row: taking pills, cutting my wrists, and attempted to hang myself, because I thought I had nobody to live for, and nobody would care if I did kill myself. Nobody would miss me.

Then I tried several religions, all the way to Islamic, trying to find God. But I wasn't finding God through prayers and reading religious materials, and still felt lonely.

The thought entered my head: nobody loves me, wants me, cares about me, needs me, not even God. I had no money, or warm clothes, or good food, or hygiene, received no letters or visitors, and nobody wants to help me. I am just worthless. I cried a lot, not even other death row inmates cared about me.

So on December 1999, I had a brand new razor blade, and in tears and sick hearted, I pressed the razor blade up against the right side of my neck with my right hand, closed my eyes and I yelled out "Forgive me God".

Suddenly, something slapped my hand very hard, knocking the razor blade from my hand, and forcing my hand outward and completely away from my neck.

I reopened my eyes and I saw this Bright Glow of Light inside the cell with me. I heard this Voice say to me,

"I AM THE WAY, Nobody can come to My Father but only through ME.

Islam isn't the way,
Batinism isn't the way,
Baptist isn't the way,
Buddha isn't the way,
Catholic isn't the way,
Pentecost isn't the way,
killing yourself isn't the way,

I kneeled down to the cold concrete cell floor and bowed down and prayed. I went to God in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. I repented of all and every sin I committed. And repented every commandment of God's laws I violated. Repented of every lie I had told, every profanity I used, repented of all the people I had hurt emotionally, by stealing their property, repented of all the drugs and alcohol I had used, repented for misusing my body, repented for trying to kill myself. I asked God to forgive my family of all the terrible things they did to me, and I told God I am tired of living my life my way, and want to live my life God's way. I gave God control of my life, and accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, into my life, into my soul, into my mind, and into my spirit as God's Son and as my Saviour.

I am happy now, I don't feel lonely nor sick hearted anymore. I get a visit every day and every night, when I pray to God!! God Loves me, Jesus Loves me and cares about me, and needs me, and wants me. And is my best Friend. Amen

I have peace, I read the Bible every day and I love God with all of my mind, heart, soul, life, and spirit.

I no longer care about being cold in here, I don't care about having no radio, or television, I don't care about having no shoes, or nobody to love or care for me, or visit me, or help me, or write me. I no longer care about hunger pains, or sores on my feet, or poor health.

Why? I have God!! Jesus' Love is so beautiful!! No more worries, no pains in my heart, no more sick heartness, no more loneliness, no more sorrows, no more feelings of blue. I know real peace and love!

For Jesus Christ, I write three words: "I LOVE YOU."

He really does love me too.

Thank you all for reading my letter and may God Bless you You are all in my prayers.

Your Brother in Christ David (Ty) David E. Johnston # A084761
U.C.I. P1124-A1
P.O. Box 221
Raiford, Florida 32083

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty How God changed my life.

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:55 pm

How God changed my life.

I don’t exactly know what the standard testimony is supposed to be, so I am just going to say how I feel and how God has changed my life. Let me tell you a little about my childhood, that you probably don’t know. My real dad left my mom, when I was three. He went to the army, and got stationed in Korea. Life was going well with him; he didn’t have to face up to the fact that he left my mom and me. My mom, however, was left with a house payment, car payment, and just basically everything else. She had to be strong not for her, but for me. I wonder how she got the strength?

Then she met my step dad. They dated for about two months and decided to get married, I think I was about 5 or 6. We moved in with his parents in Bokoshe. As I grew up, I really didn’t’ want him to take the place of my dad, because I mean, he was my dad. So really any chance I got I was hateful, or a smart alleck. My step dad, has not had the most glorious life. The way he was raised up is a lot different, than normal. So therefor, I was brought up in this fashion. When I was around 10, like any kid, I thought I knew everything so I was a smart mouth. My step dad has physically abused me. I really don’t know, how to say that, in a way to where it is not as bad as it sounds. I remember going to school angry, and so mad! My mom is the type of person, to let things go by. She would scream or try to make him stop whatever he was doing to me and when he would stop nothing would be said, if it was I was never around. AsI got older and more angry I didn’t want to sit there and let someone push me through a wall, so I fought back! Which I shouldn’t have.

This whole time, I have been going to church at my local church. Sometimes with my little sister, or with my mom. My grandparents usually took me because mom, was either working or to tired, to take me. I was actually saved and baptized when I was 12. I would sit there and see my friends, with their moms and dads, and I was envious. I wanted that stability.

In my small town, people just come and go. I mean, there is not just anyone really who stands out. A lot, of my classmates’ hod now become pregnant, or married. I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing to, because even in our church it was excepted. There was never a black or white wrong or right, it was always gray. I played softball, with a lot of older people. They drank, because it was the cool thing to do. So I drank to fit in and be excepted. As I got older I was exposed even more to the temptations of drugs, and sex, and this whole time I had everyone fooled. Or so I thought. No one thought that I would be doing this kind of stuff. I mean I went to church, and people didn’t think stuff like this was going on, and even if they did it was OK.

A couple of weeks before church camp, my grandma had told me that Debbie didn’t get the job at Keota. I was really bummed out by the whole thing because she wouldn’t be closer to home. I went to church camp, when I called home to see how everyone was doing. My grandma had told me that Debbie got a job in keota. I was so excited for her, because now she was closer to home, and I knew that this was my chance for a new start. She told me that she had to tell me something…I was like what is it. Shen said you’ll have to wait till you get home. I begged her and got it out of her. She told me that I could go live with her. I was so excited, you actually have no idea. Now that I look back God had a plan for me, and this is where He changed my life

Over the next summer we moved and started practicing softball. I started a new school, with new friends and new people. I remember the first day I came to this church, I was so scared, because I knew that everyone was going to be staring at me, like who is that? I listened to Bro. Mark preach, and was so intrigued, by his intensity. It was like I have to have what he has. I saw the youth in the front. People actually going to the altar. I mean people actually openly expressing their love for someone in a positive way. I knew in my heart a change was going to come about, just not when and how. About six months later, it donned on me that I going to go to hell. I had said I wanted Jesus to come into my life when I was younger, but didn’t let him, just closed the door in his face. By now though I am feeling totally different about my faith, but am still scared to do anything publicly, because I am in this new place. One Sunday morning I felt this feeling in my heart, I have no idea what exactly it was, yeah I do, It was the Holy Spirit! I walked down there to the altar, and felt this awesome presence, that someone was sitting there with me. I repented my life, and devoted my self to Him.

Now, I wake up everyday, and say Thank You just for giving me just another day to live. The chances to get to maybe pray with someone, or to witness to someone. I am not afraid anymore of failing, or what people think. I know everyone sins, and we’re all only forgiven by the Blood. In the Bible it says, "Ask and ye shall receive…" No one is perfect, but now I have an assurance that even though there I may sin, I will be forgiven if I ask. I now have a goal that I am striving to reach eveyday, and I know that I am weak and that I am going to fall but with Him I can pick myself up and keep going. For He is strong, and I can’t do it without Him!

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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TESTIMONIES -write a Testimonies Empty A new beginning - Jesus Saved my life

Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:57 pm

A new beginning - Jesus Saved my life

I've gone to church ever since I can remember. My mom helped
in the nursury and my dad taught my Sunday school class. A life with
Jesus was the only life I knew. As a little kid, it was the only life I

When I was 13 I found out my parents smoked marijuana. To me, that
was a huge deal. At that time, my older brother was also getting into
his share of trouble. Partying was his main thing and not my parents nor
the police could stop him. With all this going on in my house, I can
honestly say, it made me very curious about what that "high" everyone was
talking of felt like. I figured it was something amazing since my
family was going behind everyone else's back to it(even mine). So I asked my
older brother if he would smoke with me for my first time. And he did.
Everything changed the minute I took that first hit. My thoughts on
drugs, me, life, and God. Nothing was the same. Marijuana soon became
something I strieved for everyday. It soon became the center of my
world. Not long after, that drug became pretty old. I then heard about
ectacy. I was told that the high you get from that would be like no other.
They were right. I enjoyed that drug so much I would take it almost
every weekend.

By the age 14, I had already experienced with marijuana, ectacy,
cocaine, LSD, crank, just popping pills, and basically any drug that came
around. Drugs was my life. It was everything I wanted and needed. If
times came that I didn't have any or any money to get it, I would do
anything for it. Even if it meant having to sell myself. I became addicted
to being high.

About this time, my parents grew stronger in their walks with God.
They got off marijuana and were doing what they could to get me to have
a relationship with God like they knew I needed. I wouldn't do it. I
was enjoying my rebelious teen behavior. I somewhat knew I had a problem
with drugs, but I didn't care. I liked drugs and I didn't want any

In school, I as rarely ever going to class and my grades were
dropping serverly. I also started having a sexual relationship with my track
coach at school. He would invite me to his house to "babysit" his five
year old son. Babysitting isn't exactly what I got paid for doing. At
his house, I received free ectacy, a night of non stop partying, sex,
and money. It was every girl drug addict's dream.

After a few months of "babysitting", we stopped our secret parties.
I stopped going to track practice because I felt uncomfortable seeing
and quit going to school in fear that someone found out and would
comfront me about it. At age 15, I became a high school drop out. My drugs
got more intense and my life was getting nearer nearer to hitting rock

Like all parents, mine soon got feed up with my sneaking out,
running away, parting, attitude, ect. They sent me away to a center called
Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a Christian based program, so being in
there for just a couple months, I learned so much about Jesus Christ.
But even learning about Him non stop day after day for months did
nothing for me. I ran away from that program. Unfortunatly, I got caught and
was sent back.

After being in there six months, you can't even imagined how much I
learned about our almight God. I was in love with Him so much. But I
felt as if that program isn't where I needed to be. I felt as if I needed
to be out in the world witnessing to others. So, another girl and I
decided to run away and help lead people to Christ. That's exactly what we

We hichhiked around Florida for a few days telling everyone that
came across our path about Jesus and the wonderful life he had to offer.
After a few days, we needed a familiar place to rest our heads. My
partner mentioned a place she lived for about a year before she moved to
Florida, Troy, Alabama. I was shocked considering we were in Daytona,
Florida. But I agreed anyway and off we went.

The minute we arrived there, everything we had runway
for(witnessing) seemed as if it had just left our minds. We weren't doing anything
we had planned. We were just hanging out. We soon got back into drugs
and that partying habbit we were sent away for. Not long after, we got
splitted up. I stayed with this guy that got me using crank again.
That's what I did all day, everyday for two weeks straight. Smoke crank.
After about the thirteenth, fourteenth, or fifteenth day of being on it,
my stomach was aching, my head was throbbing, I was so pale. I hadn't
eaten or slept in two weeks and I weighed ninty-two pounds. I was feeling
and looking extremely sick. So sick, that I cried out to God. I told
Him that I was sorry and that that wasn't the way I wanted things to end
up. I asked Him for help. Since God is such a loving God, an amazing
and unbelievably generous God, He helped me.

That day, this family that lived right across the street from a
small church in this old abandoned motel that the pastor bought for
families with poor financial needs could lived allowed me to stay with them
. They welcomed me in with open arms as one of their own children. They
helped me get off drugs, and start, again, an extraordinary
relationship with God. Even though I lived there without electricity for a few
weeks, I still wouldn't have picked a better place.

I stayed with that family for about three weeks until one day my
dad just came knocking on the door. My dad drove from Naples, Florida
to Troy, Alabama to come get his only daughter, and that's exactly what
he did. When he told me that God lead him to where I was, I wasn't
surprise because I, from experience, knew God answered prayers.

I was gone for five weeks not including the six months I spent
in the program. But now I'm finally home. Life is great! I'm seventeen
and have my GED, a job at a Christian book store, and I'll be starting
college at Palm Beach Atlantic University in the fall. Jesus saved my
life. He gave me a new beginning.

I ask myself everyday, where would I be without Jesus today? I
don't even want to think about it. I was living a life that the reward
was nothing but torture in hell for eternity. But Jesus saved me from
that! My reward now is Jesus' undying love and eternity with Him in
Paridise. What more could I ask for?

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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Post by Admin Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:13 pm


The General Manager of the radio station, Jon, wrote a letter to his constituency as follows:
January, 1995

Dear Friend:

I had already put the finishing touches on my first letter of 1995. I really liked it. It was full of optimism and inspirational resolutions for the New Year.

It will never make it to the printer.

Instead, I am compelled to offer to you a testimony and witness as to a most remarkable day. I pray that it may serve to encourage those who seek God, and terrify those who oppose Him.

January 6, 1995 began in a rather ordinary way. It was Friday, it had been a busy week, but I was looking forward to a slow day. As I was leaving the house, I actually told my wife "There's not much on my calendar, I may try to take the afternoon hours off and came home early".

I had agreed to interview a pastor from St. Louis, Randy that morning. Randy was the guest speaker at The Tabernacle Church's renewal services nightly, and since "The Tab" is a good friend of FM 92 (and many other area churches were participating in the meetings), we had decided to clear a slot on the morning show for a brief interview.

My guest was one of the leaders of the so-called "Toronto Revival". I had read about the Toronto meetings, but frankly, I've heard a lot of "revival rumors" over the years and have learned not to pay much attention. Normally, I don't do the interviews myself, but I was feeling cautious and let the "morning guys" know I'd be there during the show.

The interview was innocent enough at first. The subject turned to a discussion of the Holy Spirit's manifest presence in a meeting (as opposed to His presence that dwells within our hearts always). Rather suddenly, something began to happen in the control room.

It began with Gregg. He was seated behind me listening, and for no apparent reason, he began to weep. His weeping turned to shuddering sobs that he attempted to muffle in his hands. It was hard to ignore, and Randy paused mid-sentence to comment "You can't see him, but God is really dealing with the fellow behind you right now." I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Gregg losing control. He stood up, only to crash to the floor directly in front of the console, where he lay shaking for several minutes.

I don't know if YOU have ever tried to conduct a radio interview in such circumstances, but let me assure you I NEVER have. I was mortified. We have always attempted to avoid any extremes, so it was difficult to explain to our listeners what was happening. I had always known Gregg to act like a professional, so I knew something was seriously going on. I did my best to recover the interview under the embarrassing circumstances. I thanked the guest and wrapped it up. (And thought of ways to KILL Gregg later!)

After when we have a guest minister in the station, we ask him to pray for the staff. Before Randy left, we asked him to say a word of prayer.

We formed a circle and began to pray for the staff one by one. My eyes were shut, but I heard a thud and opened them to see Bart prostrate on the floor. He had fallen forward on his face. What amazed me most was that Bart was known to be openly skeptical. he simply did not accept such things. Within seconds, another and another staff person went down. Even those that remained standing were clearly shaken.

When they prayed for me, I did not "fall down". What did happen was an electric sensation shot down my right arm, and my right hand began to tremble uncontrollably. My heart pounded as I became aware of a powerful sense of what can only be called God's manifest presence.

Remember, our staff is not primarily Charismatic. We are Episcopalian, Nazarene, Evangelical, Pentecostal.... and a couple of "not quite sure". While I personally am associated with an Assembly of God church, I'm quite the skeptic when it comes t "weird stuff". I don't watch many evangelists on TV, because too often I am turned off by what I see. This was completely new to us.

Randy was scheduled elsewhere, so after just a few minutes of prayer, he thanked me graciously and left quickly. Our staff remained in the control room, staring at each other wide eyed, and hovering over Bart, who still appeared unconscious on the floor. (He was completely immobile for over half an hour).

There was a sweet atmosphere of worship in the room, so I told someone to put one of the integrity Worship CD's on air while we continued to pray together.

I thought the atmosphere would abate after a few minutes and return to normal... but instead, our prayers grew more and more intense. The room became charged in a way that I simply cannot describe. After an hour of this, we realized that it was 10:30, the time we normally share our listener's needs in prayer.

I switched on the mike, and found myself praying that God would touch every listener in a personal way. After prayer, with great hesitation I added "This morning God has really been touching our staff, so we've been spending the morning praying together. If you're in a situation right now where you are facing a desperate need, just drop by our studios this morning and we'll take a minute to pray with you." This was the first time we had ever made such an invitation.

This is where everything went haywire.

Within a few minutes, a few listeners began to arrive. The first person I prayed with was a tall man who shared with me some tremendous needs he was facing. I told him I would agree with him in prayer. As I prayed for his need, a voice in my head was saying "It's a shame that you don't operate in any real spiritual gift or power. Here's a man who really needs to hear from god and you've got nothing worth giving him!!" I continued to pray, but I was struggling. I reached up with my right hand to touch his shoulder, when suddenly he shook, and slumped to the floor. (He lay there without moving for over 2 hours.) I was shocked and shaken.

Two others had arrived at this point, and staff members were praying with them. Suddenly they began weeping uncontrollably, and slumped to the floor. This scene was repeated a dozen times in the next few minutes. It didn't matter who did the praying, whenever we asked the Lord, he immediately responded with a visible power, and the same manifestations occurred.

I didn't know whether to be terrified or thrilled, but clearly, something completely unusual was going on.

A young man cautiously entered the room, and began to tell us that he was "just happening" to be scanning the radio dial when he heard "something about prayer". He reported that he was immediately overcome with conviction. Years before, he had contemplated going into the ministry, and had even attended a couple of years at a Christian College, but he had since strayed from God. As a chill of conviction swept him, he felt God suddenly tell him it was now or never. He drove to the station. We prayed with him to receive Christ as Lord, and afterward, he too slumped to the floor.

One by one they came. We continued to play praise-oriented music, and every hour (sometimes on the half-hour) we'd invite people to come.

Fairly early in all this, we ran out of room. The radio station floor was wall to wall bodies... some weeping, some shaking, some completely still. People reported that it was like heavy lead apron had been placed over them. They were unable to get up. All they could do was worship God.

Fortunately, our offices are inside of the complex at Central Assembly, so when the crowd began to grow, we moved across into the Church, leaving the radio station literally wall to wall with seekers.

Some teachers at Indian Christian School had heard what was happening, and asked us to pray for certain children they were bringing in the room. As we prayed for the kids, many began to shake and fall to the floor. Some would begin to utter praises to God. Others lay completely immobile for periods of over an hour. (If you've ever tried to make a seven year old lay still, you know it's a miracle!) A few simply experienced nothing at all.

By now I was convinced that we were experiencing a bona fide move of God. I had read about such manifestation experiences being common in the revival meetings of great men like Jonathan Edwards and John Wesley. I had also read of the great camp meeting revivals in the early 1800', where thousands upon thousands experienced being "slain", but I never imagined I would really live to see it.

The crowd continued to grow, and lines began to form. The power of God continued to fall on those coming. It was almost like being in a dream. I would look up and see our staff members...eyes red, faces puffy, and hands trembling, but with a fire in their eyes and the power of God upon them. I couldn't believe it was the same people I knew and worked with. In a matter of hours, something we never even dreamed of (much less aspired to) was happening.,p> The floor in front of the sanctuary was soon covered with men and women, boys and girls. The aisles began to fill and we were pushing aside chairs for more floor space. Usually, one of our staff would "catch" the person as they fell, but on quite a few occasions we were caught by surprise and people fell hard on the floor. Frankly, we had NO idea what we were doing. (I'm not sure I want to learn!)

At some point I looked up and saw a local Baptist Pastor walk in the door. I must confess that my first thought was "Oh Boy...I'm in trouble!" While I knew this brother to be a genuine man of God, nevertheless I was concerned about how a fundamental, no-nonsense Baptist might take all these goings-on. (Besides, I didn't have an explanation to offer!) I walked up to greet him. He just silently surveyed the room, and with a tone of voice just above a whisper said "This... is...God. For years I've prayed for revival... This is God."

Within minutes more local pastors began to arrive. Lutheran, Independent, Assembly of God... The word of what was happening spread like wildfire. As the pastors arrived, they were cautious at first, but within just minutes, they would often begin to flow in the same ministry. The crowd was growing and pastors began to lay hands on the seekers, where once again the power of God would manifest and the seeker would often collapse to the ground.

It did not seem to matter who did the praying. This was a nameless, faceless, spontaneous move of God. There were no stars, no leaders, and frankly, there was no organization. (It's hard to plan for something you have no idea might happen!)

Eventually, word of what was occurring reached Fred, the Melbourne pastor who had brought Randy to the station earlier that morning. He and Randy, along with several other Melbourne pastors, jumped into the car and headed down to Vero Beach. At this point, we started broadcasting live from the Church. As the group from Melbourne arrived, more and more people also began to show up asking for prayer. It seemed like there were always more than we could get to.

Amazingly, unchurched, unsaved people were showing up. I got a fresh glimpse of the power of radio as person after person told us "I'm not really a part of any church..." A few were skeptical at first, and later found themselves kneeling in profound belief.

Sometimes people would rise up, only to frantically announce to us that they had been healed of some physical problem. One woman's arthritic hands found relief. Neck pains, jaw problems, stomach disorders and more were all reported to us as healed.

We have received at least a dozen verified, credible, reliable comments from people who told us that when they switched on the radio, they were suddenly, unexpectedly overwhelmed by the presence of God (even when they didn't hear us SAY anything). Several told us that the manifest presence of God was so strong in their cars that they were unable to drive, and were forced to pull off the road.

The "falling" aspect of this visitation was the most visible manifestation, but it was not falling that was important. What was important was the fact that people were rising up with more love for God in their hearts than ever before. They were being changed, and their hearts set ablaze. I have lost count of the numbers of people who told me of the change God worked in their life.

It's hard to imagine the impact this has had on our staff. It seems like God has almost given me a new staff, composed entirely of men and women to tremendous zeal for God.

What is occurring in our local churches is even more amazing. My phone is ringing with the calls of excited pastors. At least a dozen area churches from completely different ends of the theological spectrum are already experiencing this powerful move in their church. The leaders of many, many other local fellowships have been visiting these churches to "check it out", and they too are being touched to "take it back" with them. It's almost like a tidal wave has hit this area of Florida.

If you are skeptical, I understand and forgive you. (I might have thrown a letter like this one away just days ago.) I share this only to try and offer a faithful rendition of what has really happened.

I only ask that you remain open to whatever God wants to accomplish through you. Christian history is full of accounts of those times when God elected to "visit" His people. When He has, entire nations have sometimes been affected. I believe you'll agree, our nation is ripe for such a revival. For such a time as this, let us look to God with expectancy.

With warm regards, I am,

Sincerely Yours,


General Manager

Number of posts : 250
Age : 63
Location : Denmark
Job/hobbies : Fishing,and "fishing",make peace,help ppl.
Humor : yes,all different.Dont worry just tell..
Registration date : 2007-12-30

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